Sunday, January 31, 2016

Development Update a Sunday Morning Post

Sorry for the late post, got caught up in a family member's home remodel for sever hours. Just didn't have the energy to think up a blog post afterwards.

Now for the fun stuff : )

Spent some more time on the learning project. Just need to pull the art assets from the source material, and script out the story, then I'll have something of a demo's quality running. After that it's polishing, creating new assets to replace stock placeholders, and working on the after game. I hope the end result is good enough that the original author might use it later, but if nothing else it's forcing me to learn how to create the new assets I'll need for porting over RPTG.

For Cursed Heroes, Episodes 4 and 5 are progressing. They will be my focus for today, and I hope to get most of the maps finished.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Another Early Post

Looks like I'm not made for all-nighters anymore, which is a shame as it would give me a lot more time to work, but that doesn't mean I got nothing done.

Put in 5 hours on the RPG Maker MV learning project. This got me through most of the map building with stock assets, that will be updated as I get more of the customized work finished and loaded into the game. I've got a lot of it thought out, so it's mostly just a mater of creating missing assets and setting up the events in a way that flows well.

Sunday I'll be putting work into Cursed Heroes, but I might put in some time today. I want to continue having something to show for Screenshot Saturday. Still working on the maps and script for the two paths. I hope to release Episodes 4 and 5 on time, but we will just have to see.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Early Post

Just seeing what an early morning post might be like. Seems weird posting before working on my games all day.

I've written a couple hundred more words into the Episode 4 design doc and am planning on working on maps today. Look for a screenshot to go up late today, for Screenshot Saturday.

And tomorrow I'll be taking a stab at up-scaling assets for use in RPG Maker MV. I might stream that one. It's not like to be very good, but if your into watching people trying to learn by trial and error come watch.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Year Later

While it's been a little over a year, I want to thank everyone who has visited this blog.

When I first started I'd be lucky to get a visitor a day, but over the last year this community has grown by nearly ten times that amount. This is very reassuring, as it hopefully means that I've been making some games that you all enjoy.

Going into 2016 I plan on branching out to a few more forums. I'd love for more people to try my games, and to leave me feedback, so that I can continue to refine and improve in my work.

Now for a progress update on Cursed Heroes;

I wrote about a thousand words into the design docs for one half of the next episode, and have started working on the maps. Remember this is going to be a double episode, so no release this month. But you can look forward to the first player chosen cosmetic change to the main character. I'll try to get the sprites finalized by next week, and post them next screenshot Saturday.

Lastly about the RPG Maker MV learning project;

I've started getting a list of resources I want to use, but it'll take me creating new versions of everything. The tiles in MV are 48x48 that's a 225% increase in area over VX's 32x32 tiles. So VX's old resources just wont cut it in MV without up-scaling. To make that look good and to take advantage of the added resolution I'll need to do it manually. While this is well outside my comfort zone, and will take a lot of time, it should make me a far more well rounded RPG Maker creator.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

News on Episode 4

I started working on Episode 4 this weekend, and have decided to release it next month.

It won't be a true double episode, as the two story lines will be separate. But the amount of work will about the same.

Continue reading below for some of the reasons (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD)