Thursday, May 28, 2015

Plane 186 Revamp

Working on converting the sprites to a larger size in preparation for who you'll find on the other side of the mountains. I'm also moving away from the world map type of exploration and will instead use a series of maps to represent the larger world. This will take a little time, but will give me plenty to stream while I'm working.

RPTG is still being worked on, however the sex scenes will take precedence till I've got them caught up with what's currently in the game.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Working on RPTG right now, maybe next week I can release the next version. It'll include the story till just before the first sex scene, and let you explore 5 more maps.

New version just went live, check it out on the "Current Releases" page or at:!dEk03QBI!h7XWRzchMhlUM0o2l24XyWDZcyydnmitZ4DMiJATEaE

As always comments/bug reports are appreciated.

As for the things that are going on in my personal life, my current place is renovating so I wont have a bathroom for a few days, and I have to find a new place to live by early August.  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Another Week and the Start of Summer Break

Monday was my last class of the semester, so I'm looking forward to spending more time per week on my games till the fall semester starts. I still have a lot of personal things that are going to get in the way, but I'll just have to work them out one at a time.

Spent some time this week cleaning up and writing in the design docs, and I put in about a hour working with RPG Maker. My ideas are starting to dry up, so the writing is starting to slow down again, and I have no idea how long the sex scenes will take me to write.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Another Wednesday

Stream for about 2 hours Tuesday night, and wrote some more in the game docs. When the next release of RPTG hits it'll include a bit more of the story and give you the opportunity to explore several new maps. And Plane 186 should get you to right before entering the mountains.

Monday, May 4, 2015

May the Fourth be With You

Happy May the Fourth everyone, and I wish you an enjoyable Cinco de Mayo as well. Progress continues on the games, expect a stream sometime tomorrow.