Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Looks Like I Missed a Week

Sorry about that. I put in about a hour of work on RPTG, but not much else.

I also thought of a large project to start working on in the background. It would be something that would take me a long time to finish, even if I could work on it full time. The basics would be a hack 'n slash dungeon crawler built in Unity 3D. For now I'll be working on it by learning Unity 3D and writing every idea that I have so that when I do start to work on it, I wont have so many pauses like I do with these first two games.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Busy Couple of Weeks

First off Gamer Nation Con was a blast again this year, and I'm planning on going next year too.

I released an alpha build for my second game called R.P.T.entacleD., check the current releases page if you would like to play it.

Finally, just to night I've thought of more content for Plane 186 and it's sister project the D&D game I'm DMing. Hopefully I'll be able to move the content for both forward soon.

However, now my vacation is over and I'm back to working my full time job and school, so we'll see how much I can get accomplished.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

R.P.T.entacleD. Alpha Release

Here's a link to my second game:

In it you play as a tentacle monster who gets summoned by accident and then, in good tentacle monster fashion, starts mating with everyone it can get it's tendrils on. There is a lot of text in there, but when I have more of the main story in the game I'll make the prologue skippable.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mid Vacation Work

I'm on vacation from my job this week in order to attend Gamer Nation Con, in Plano, TX from March 6-8.

I will continue to work on my games during the days I'm not at the Con.

Today I worked on R.P.T.entacleG. for about 7 hours. Tomorrow I'll be tweaking the last bits and then uploading an Alpha to the site. No porn yet, just the prologue, but the rest will have quite a bit. I've never written a sex scene before so they are bound to be sub-par till I get better.