Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Start of a Learning Project

First, I've made another good dent on the stack of work that is Episode 3. Roughly 6 hours in I've got most of the maps built, largely just needing touch-ups and populating. I hope that if I can do about this much work tomorrow I'll be on track for a Christmas Eve release. But we'll see if that happens, there is a lot of stuff for me to do in my personal life between now and Christmas.

Secondly, in a couple of hours I'll be starting work on that learning project. I've got so many ideas, but I'll have to see what I can do. The more I look at it, that more I'm thinking that I'll have to make a lot of the resources myself. It's been a long time since I've done much of any drawn art, and I hope I'm up for the task.

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