Monday, August 31, 2015

And Now … A Really Late Post

Well season 4 of Diablo 3 launched over the weekend and it dominated my weekend. So very little work got done on the games. There was some small progress on Cursed Heroes, but less than a hundred words worth.

On a personal note, I'll be attending Anime Fest in Dallas, TX next weekend. It'll be my first anime convention and I'm really looking forward to it. I will post pictures to my twitter account, and should anyone find me and call me “Tak-sama” I'll hang out and buy you something.

The week after next should be business as usual, but after that I'll be moving.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Finally a Post on Saturday

Focus for this week has been and will continue to be D&D and Cursed Heroes. Once I've finished converting the Tomb of Whores(credit Adjatha, Fenoxo, and friends) module to something my non-smut loving players will enjoy, and I've caught up with Cursed Heroes I'll be able to start working on RPTG again.

If you're interested in Cursed Heroes, I've uploaded a screenshot of three sprites to its Facebook page.

On a personal note, I got accepted for the apartment and I'll be moving late next month. When that happens I'll probably have limited internet for a while, so I'll likely be only posting to twitter from my phone when that's happening.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Late Again

Not much to report, lost a lot of time to life and family, and I'm currently stuck converting a D&D campaign to a format that my group can play.

I hope to have the first episode of Cursed Heroes released on time, however failing that just a soon as possible.

RPTG is progressing, but even slower. Once I've moved into my new apartment it will hopefully accelerate.

Only having two days off a week is slowing me down.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Late Post (here we go again...)

Sorry about not posting on Saturday, life got in the way. I'll try to be on time next week.

Put in several hours into both Cursed Heroes and RPTG.

First, Cursed Heroes, I put in the character selection system. It should be easier for me to work with then what's in Plane 186, and once all the sprites are in you'll have the option of choosing one of several presets(though there's only one right now). I also started working on the intro to the game proper, this will be like a short cutscene before you start playing.

Second, RPTG, the first main sex scene is written, however I'll go back and review it in a few days to clean it up. Afterwards I'll finish it's variant and clean it up. Once those two are done I'll start the shower girl's scene and variant, that one should be fun.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Cursed Heroes, and RPTG

I'll be starting work on that other project I mentioned a while back, and I plan to only let it take up about half my current game making time. It's an episodic game series that will be released once a month till the end of next year. It'll be somewhat similar to if Telltale was making their games in RPG Maker.

Cursed Heroes takes place in a world where being a hero means being cursed to be hunted for the remainder of your life. As a group of heroes killed the last Succubus Queen, she cursed them and all heroes to be hunted down by 'Reapers'. Decades later the game will follow a pair of heroes trying to survive in this dystopian fantasy world.

One of two things can make you a hero, saving a person at personal risk, and/or killing a person for reasons other then personal gain. When doing the right thing will get you killed, how do good people survive. Can you live in this world?

As for RPTG, I'm almost done with the first sex scene and it's variant. And most of the events have been put into RPG Maker, so that would make me 25 – 30% done with what's going in to the next beta. I still have no idea how much longer it'll take, but I enjoy the work so it will get done eventually.